Two Chin political parties come together

Two Chin political parties come together
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The Chin National Party (CNP) and the Chin Progressive Party (CPP) have consented to operate from a joint platform.

An agreement was signed to this effect by the CNP’s Central Executive Committee members at a meeting on 6 October to operate jointly, said Salai Myo Chit, General Secretary of the CNP and a member of the joint committee.

“The joint committee has decided to work together on the principles of the two parties. But some issues were not accepted by the CPP leaders. So the leaders of the two parties have to discuss these contentious issues. We have to consider working as one party.”

The work plans of the CNP were sent to CPP, which will do the same in return. The plans of the two parties will be checked by the joint committee, said Salai Myo Chit.

The joint initiative of the two parties is being welcomed by Chin political parties and the Chin people.