CNF liaison office opened in Teddim

CNF liaison office opened in Teddim
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A liaison office of the Chin National Front (CNF) was inaugurated yesterday in Teddim Town of Chin state, Burma, marking the final phase of the agreement stemming from peace talks with the government and CNF.

In attendance at the opening ceremony were Pu Khua Uk Lian, Secretary General-III of CNF, Pu H.C Ral Hnin, a supreme council member, certain executive members, and a central member of the CNF.

Also present were Colonel Zaw Min Oo, Border and Security Minister of Chin state and administrator of Falam Township, Pu Tluang Ceu, a member of the Peace and Tranquility committee, and several local people. Pu Go Khen Nang was appointed to be in charge of the CNF liaison office.

A public consultation was also held yesterday for around 300 local people, including government officials, in Kamhawng Hall of Teddim Town.

“I welcome the opening of CNF’s liaison office. It means that other armed groups will not encroach on our areas. We want peace in our area,” said a local from Teddim.

According to said Salai Peter, a CNF central committee member, “Colonel Zaw Min Oo described the CNF’s liaison office and the current process of peace talks underway between the government and the CNF at the meeting."

At the same time yesterday, a demonstration led by around 50 Teddim locals was held to protest the opening of the liaison office.

Pu H.C Ral Hnin, a member of CNF’s supreme council, addressed the office inauguration and said the CNF policy will be continued in the region despite local protests.

Falam city elder Pu Thang Kim urged Chin people to unite on national issues, said Salai Peter.

A public consultation committee was formed comprising local people, political party members, and social workers in Than Tlang and Matupi, where the CNF liaison office opened.

Primary level peace talks were held between the state government and the CNF in January 2012, with the first steps stipulated in the agreement taken in May. The CNF has been preparing for the second phase of talks with the central government in December 2012.