CNF forms public consultation committee in northern Chin state

CNF forms public consultation committee in northern Chin state
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The Public Consultation Organizing Committee (PCOC) was recently started by the Chin National Front (CNF) in Than Tlang Town where a liaison office of CNF is based.

The PCOC, which was formed on August 6, will have 12 members in the committee; this includes two members from each political party, social groups, town elders and members of religious groups from the area.

One PCOC member told Khonumthung the Than Tlang CNF liaison office invited representatives from various political parties and civilian bodies to join the committee to ensure it will function smoothly.

“About 160 people, including 10 women, attended the meeting. During this time there were frank discussions regarding the role PCOC will take,” said Pu Bawisum, the second in-charge of Than Tlang CNF liaison office.

Pu HC Ralhnin, CNF’s Than Tlang liaison office in-charge said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how PCOC will serve the public. He added that during the meeting the committee shouldn’t focus on politics related to the CNF’s agreement with the government.

“We formed the PCOC so that CNF can monitor its relationship with the public,” he said.

Various groups urged the CNF for the PCOC to prohibit alcohol and address various issues affecting the public.

The new Than Tlang PCOC will be the second public consulting committee in Chin state. The first one was started in Matupi and will operate from the CNF’s office. Other committees in the works will soon open in Falam and Chin state capital Hakha.