Chin civil society groups meet to discuss human rights violations

Chin civil society groups meet to discuss human rights violations
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Network for Chin Civil Societies (NCCS) met to discuss solutions for human rights abuses in Hakha, the capital city of Chin state.

From July 30-31, Chin civil society groups from 9 townships discussed resolutions for human rights violations by the Burmese military.

NCCS was formed in June to advocate for democracy, promote peace in the state and unity amongst Chin people.

After the meeting, NCCS coordinators stated they will expand their network amongst civil and religions groups to continue to advocate democratic change in one of Burma’s most impoverished states.

 “We will go about the planning, step by step, for establishing democracy with civil society workers both inside Chin state and abroad. We also will work with other NGOs,” said Mai Vel Tha Chin, coordinator of NCCS.

The Burmese military have been accused of extortion and the use of widespread forced labour. NCCS has been supporting the peace process between the Chin National Front (CNF) and government after a ceasefire was signed in January.

The CNF fought against the government for approximately 23 years.