Mass tree planting operation in Chin State

Mass tree planting operation in Chin State
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In an effort to provide reforestation for Chin State, in Burma, over 2,340 trees were planted in capital city Hakha, and Falam last month, on request of Chief Minister Mr. Hung Ngai.

A  Hakha newspaper reported that 1,140 trees were planted in Falam on June 29 and 1,200 trees were planted in Hakha on June 30 by a team of tree planters.

“The Chief Minister’s team has planted saplings in Cin Mual block, the golf course and along the roadside in Falam,” said a Falam local.

The tree planting operation officially kicked off after the chief minister personally planting one oak tree during the opening. Other government officials in attendance at the opening were Minister of Transportation Mr. Ngun San Aung, Falam District Head of Administration and several others.

A total of 5,000 trees of different varieties were planted by Hakha Christian Churches, a local youth group and members of Chin State Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). Some of the trees were planted in rural areas.

In total,10,000 trees of different varieties were planted in Chin State by local authorities. All of the plants, saplings and seedlings were provided by the Chin State Forest Department.