Demonstration demanding districts in Chin state

Demonstration demanding districts in Chin state
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Shops were closed in Teddim town by locals as part of a protest against the Chin state assembly decision of not allowing district level administrations for Teddim, Ton Zang Township and Cikha sub-township in northern Chin state.

timdim10Chin state Hluttaw assembly passed a motion which canceled out the township representative vote of 11/ 5 to create district administrations in the townships.

The Hluttaw assembly has designated Falam district as a district for Teddim, Ton Zang Township, Cikha sub-township and Falam Township. A separate district has been formed for Hakha and Than Tlang Township.

Mr. Thangpi, from Teddim Township told Khonumthung the demonstration was against the government’s decision to not allow the other districts to go through even though it makes sense when you factor in geography and population.

“Teddim Township is suitable to have its own district because of an Indo-Burma trading point office being set up. Other border towns on the border of Burma like Tamu, Sagaing division, Tachileik, Shan State and Myawaddy, Karen State all allowed districts. But we’re not given a district. We are disappointed with the assembly decision,” said Thangpi.

He said they had proposed a separate district for Teddim town.

 “It is not fair as 40 miles away Hakha and Falam were given district status respectively,”  said Thangpi.

As a sign of protest locals hung traditional Chin cloths in the front of their homes.

Posters with the words “Welcome with sorrow” written on them were hung and pasted in every corner of the town when Chief Minister of Chin state Mr. Hung Ngai, visited Teddim town on June 8.

Locals say the demonstrations demanding the separate districts will continue.