CNF and government sign fifteen-point agreement

CNF and government sign fifteen-point agreement
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Hakha, Chin state: A Chin National Front (CNF) delegation and government peace team signed a fifteen-point peace charter, on May 7, in Hakha.

Minister for Forest Affairs, U Win Thun, told Khonumthung News Group, the peace charter was signed after both parties reached an agreement during a meeting, on May 7, at Union Rest House, in the capital city.

“We reached an agreement by both the delegations on almost all the proposals by the second phase of the union level peace talk. We succeeded since there was an understanding by both sides. This allowed both parties to start focusing on the future,” he said.

CNF Spokesperson, Dr. Salai Andrew Ngunchung said, “ At the first meeting, we  discussed nine points. Now, after adding six additional points, we have come to a final agreement.”

The fifteen points included, an immediate ceasefire between the CNF and government, CNF liaison offices in Tedim, Thantlang and Paletwa Township, travel restrictions lifted for CNF members in Burma and travel visas for Chin in foreign countries.

Furthermore peace talks will continue on a union level  to discuss, abolishing opium cultivation, implementation of international NGOs, ethnic affairs, democracy and strengthening cooperatation on business and development affairs between the CNF and the Chin state government.

Other points which the CNF has proposed, such as establishing a special commercial zone in Chin state, have been set aside for the next meeting.

 It was also agreed Chin National Day would take place on Feb.20  and Chin State Day on Jan.3.