Man arrested for kidnapping and pimping

Man arrested for kidnapping and pimping
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The Central Anti-Drugs Squad (CADS) arrested a Chin man from Burma on 24 November in Aizawl, Mizoram  in northeast  India. The man was charged with forcing a teenaged Chin girl into prostitution


The arrested man was identified as Lalrozama (27), also known as Mena, from Falam Township in Chin State, Burma. He was arrested at around 4 pm on the 24th of November near a tennis court in Aizawl and in the company of a teenage girl . He was waiting for paying customers, reported a local newspaper, The Zozam Times.

The newspaper said, “Lalrozama and his friends abducted a teenage girl while she was returning to her home from religious services. After that, he raped and used threats to keep her at his house.”

Lalrozama would pimp the young girl to Indian men for Rs. 300 a night. According to the victim, she never got enough sleep.

In fact, Lalrozama had been arrested three times previously on rape charges but escaped from jail. Khonumthung news