India provides US $ 6 million to Chin state, Burma

India provides US $ 6 million to Chin state, Burma
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Khonumthung News

The Government of India will provide US $ 6 million for the development of Chin state.


“The Indian Consul General Dr. Madan Mhohan Sethi based in Mandalay visited Hakha, the capital of Chin state yesterday and said that the Indian government will help Chin state’s development with US $ 6 million,” said a member of a political party.

The funds will be mainly used in the health, education and social sectors in Chin state.

The Indian Consul General met Members of Parliament, some leaders of the town and the state and the Chief Minister. He told them that India will provide US $ 6 million to Chin state for development purposes.

The visit of Dr. Madan Mohan Sethi is the first in Chin state and the funding is the first of its kind from India for the state.

Pu Zozam, Chairman of Chin National Party (CNP) expressed his thanks for the development funds by the Indian government to Chin state.

“Chin state of the poorest state in Burma. We are very grateful to the Indian government as it is helping Chin state when we are going through critical times,” he said.
The statistics of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in June 2011 also reveales that Chin state is the poorest state in Burma. – Khonumthung News