Salai Tin Maung Oo’s memorial service to be held in New Delhi

Salai Tin Maung Oo’s memorial service to be held in New Delhi
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Khonumthung News

A memorial service will be organized by the Chin Community Network (CCN-India) in New Delhi, India tomorrow, to commemorate the death of Salai Tin Maung Oo, popular Burmese student leader, who was secretly hanged to death by the Burmese totalitarian regime on 26 June 1976 in Insein prison.

flag-tmo-The commemoration will be held in the Burma Community Resource Central (BCRC) in New Delhi.

The celebration committee has invited Dr. Tint Swe, a member of the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, Mrs. Tin Tin Aung, Chairwoman of the board of Women’s league of Burma, Mr. Soe Myint, the editor in Chief of Mizzima News Group, Dr. Zaw Win Aung, a former joint Secretary of the Federation of Trade Union of Burma and Mr Phyu Win, as special speakers in the memorial service. The service will be held from 1 pm to 4 pm on Sunday said Mr. Salong, the President of CCN-India.

He added that Salai Tin Maung Oo’s family based in Canada donated some money for the commemoration and CCN-India has also invited Burmese and Chin community members staying in New Delhi to participate.

The day marks the 35th anniversary of Salai Tin Maung Oo’s hanging inside Burma’s notorious Insein prison. The commemoration will be held by his family in Canada on 25 June. Mr. Aung Saw Oo (USA), Salai Kipp Kho Lian (Germany), U Htun Aung Gyaw (USA), U Aung Htoo (Sweden), Dr. Darlene Collins (USA), Ko Ko Lay (USA) will be special speakers on the occasion.

The Chinworld Media reported that Mr. AungHtu the best friend and a classmate of Salai Tin Maung Oo will share his experiences and will release a book on Salai Tin Maung Oo titled “Tin Maung Oo: A Forgotten Hero of Asia”.

Salai Tin Maung Oo told the Burmese junta that "You can kill my body but you can never kill my beliefs and what I stand for. I will never kneel down under military boots!" His was a struggle to restore democracy and human rights in Burma. Salai led the U Thant uprising on 5 December, 1974, Burmese workers’ strike on 6 June, 1975. He was arrested on 22 March by the Burmese regime led by U Ne Win when he was organizing the centenary celebrations of the birthday of the famous national writer and winner of the Stalin Peace Price Thakhin Ko Daw Hmaing on 23 March 1976 and hanged to death on 26 June 1976 by the junta. Khonumthung news