TPDC meeting on People’s Military Service Law

TPDC meeting on People’s Military Service Law
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Khonumthung News

The contentious People’s military service Law (PMSL) was discussed by the Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council at a meeting with 100 Village Peace and Development Council authorities in Falam town, Chin state of Burma on March 22...

The contentious People’s military service Law (PMSL) was discussed by the Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council at a meeting with 100 Village Peace and Development Council authorities in Falam town, Chin state of Burma on March 22.

The TPDC Chairman ordered local authorities to carry out a census of 18 year olds in the region and report to the authorities before April 10.

“The TPDC Chairman directed those who attended the meeting to submit the list of participants in the military training programme, but the date of training is not yet confirmed,” said a participant from Falam.

The TPDC Chairman also ordered local authorities to collect funds for the training, if needed. But the place and the details of the training schedule could not be confirmed. But it could be conducted weekly in respective training grounds.

Most local youths in Tedim Township are fleeing to Mizoram in northeast India to avoid being listed for military training of youths - male or female who are above 18 years of age.

Most Chin youths are feeling to avoid the People’s Military Service Law to Mizoram state in India and Malaysia.

“I sent my daughter to Mizoram state, because the authorities will recruit her any time,” said a local from Than Tlang township of Chin state.

Twenty youths from Paletwa Township left for Malaysia, said a local.

The authorities have announced the draft law of the People’s Military Service signed by Senior General Than Shwe, the SPDC supremo on December 17 last year.

The SPDC stated in the law that citizens of Burma eligible for military service can be called upon to serve in the military for not more than 24 months, if the state calls them. In the Tatmadaw technician service, one has to serve for not more than 36 months and citizens eligible for military service as experts can be called upon to serve the military for not more than 36 months. - Khonumthung News