Military made responsible for Tedim bus accident

Military made responsible for Tedim bus accident
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Khonumthung News.

Traders, who use the No.2 Indo-Myanmar border road, have alleged that the Burmese military was responsible for the accident of the Diana vehicle on 10 March near Lamzang village, Tedim Township, Chin state. Four passengers died and 30 were injured...

Traders, who use the No.2 Indo-Myanmar border road, have alleged that the Burmese military was responsible for the accident of the Diana vehicle on 10 March near Lamzang village, Tedim Township, Chin state. Four passengers died and 30 were injured.

According to a trader, Lieutenant Colonel Saw Htun, of the LIB 269 of the Burmese Army based in Tedim seized five jeeps, which operated between Tedim and Rih town, in the Indo-Myanmar border area, in order to use it for the army’s needs and forced all the passengers to get off the jeeps.

After which, all 50 passengers moved to the Diana vehicle arranged by the military. The overloaded Diana met with an accident near Lamzang village in Tedim Township.

In the accident U Nangkhanlian, Draw Vungsangdim, Muang Naudinpek, and U Tualkuppau died on the spot and 30 passengers were injured.

It is learnt that there has been no response or explanation from the army. However, Chin parliament representatives have brought up the subject of the appalling transportation system in Chin state at a Union Parliament session in Naypyitaw.

Meanwhile, Chin state based military regimes have been seizing private vehicles for carrying its rations and weapons.

A vehicle carrying passengers from Rih town, No.2 Indo-Myanmar border to Kalemyo was seized in Tedim town by military personnel on 8 March and all passengers were shifted to another vehicle. “It was very troublesome for us,” said a trader.

Besides, the military and police have 11 gates for collecting toll between Indo-Myanmar border and Kalemyo, Sagaing division.

“Drivers have to pay Kyat 2000 to 3000 per gate. If drivers refuse they will not be allowed to pass and all passenger are ordered to get off the vehicle and their goods are checked,” said a trader in No.2 Indo-Myanmar border trade.