Chin party proposes social development in assembly

Chin party proposes social development in assembly
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Khonumthung News

Social developments in the sectors of health, education, and transportation were recently proposed by representatives of Chin political parties in sessions of both the lower and upper houses of the new parliament in Naypyidaw, capital of Myanmar...

Social developments in the sectors of health, education, and transportation were recently proposed by representatives of Chin political parties in sessions of both the lower and upper houses of the new parliament in Naypyidaw, capital of Myanmar. Thursday was the seventh day of sessions.

The proposals were accepted by the Hlawttaw, or lower house of the national parliament, for discussion in the session.

The New Light of Myanmar, the junta sponsored newspaper, reported that road and communication issues were proposed by Ngun Maung, a lower house representative of Hakha Township.

Pawl Lian Lun, a representative from Matupi Township, proposed construction of a Paletwa - Matupi Road from Gangaw Town, Magwe Division, to Rizua Sub-township, and the building of a bridge between East Gangaw and West Gangaw by reconstructing the existing brick bridge.

Chin State is known as an undeveloped state in Burma, and people have lost their lives because of the lack of proper roads in the state. This year alone, there have been three bus accidents with seven people being killed.

In addition, the development of education in the state was proposed by Steven Tha Bik, Hakha Township representative of the Chin National Party (CNP). He suggested forming a committee with experts for revising the education system in the country.

Paul Lian Lun also proposed setting up two universities, while Zung Hlei Thang of the Chin Progressive Party supported the proposal but had a word of caution for setting up a university in Hakha, the state capital. Falam has smoother transportation from different places in northern Chin State compared to the capital, he said. Zung Hlei Thang also supported the idea of setting up a university in southern Chin State in a suitable place.

The proposal for a university has been hanging fire for a decade in Chin State, but Chin politicians have been arguing about the site, so the junta shifted their plans to Kalemyo, Sagaing division.

Health sector issues were also proposed by Steven Tha Bik. He suggested forming an expert committee to solve problems and promote the health care system of the state.

The government newspaper added that Tha Bik proposed the appointment of qualified doctors to serve in different places in Chin State to resolve health issues.

Doctor Myah Nganna Soe was quoted in the junta newspaper as saying that the state government will have to attract doctors with incentives to help solve the state’s health issues.