Frequent snatchings occur in Kalemyo

Frequent snatchings occur in Kalemyo
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Khonumthung News

Unidentified motorcyclists have been frequently snatching necklaces and bags from pedestrians in Kalemyo, Sagaing division of Burma. Two motorcycle borne men snatched a woman teacher's handbag and fled on January 27 in Taungphila block of Kalemyo...

Unidentified motorcyclists have been frequently snatching necklaces and bags from pedestrians in Kalemyo, Sagaing division of Burma.

Two motorcycle borne men snatched a woman teacher's handbag and fled on January 27 in Taungphila block of Kalemyo. The snatchers stole 30,000 Kyats including the annual expenditure list and question papers of a primarily school.

"She was walking to school when the two motorcyclists overtook her. They made a U turn and retuned and snatched her handbag and fled, said a relative of the teacher. The high school is near the golf course of Taungphila.

The woman teacher relative said that some eye witnesses chased the two motorcyclists, but they could not catch them.

Similarly, a handbag containing Kyat 3 lakhs belonging to a woman returning from shopping was snatched by two motorcyclists early last month.

"Snatchings and robberies are taking place regularly in the town since the end of 2010," said a local in Kalemyo.

Local people said that the motorcyclists are young alcoholics.

It is learnt that the Kalemyo police have not been able to trace the snatchers or recover the goods till now. Kalemyo people are now being careful on the city streets.