Tax officer assaults staff in Hakha township

Tax officer assaults staff in Hakha township
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Khonumthung News

U Tin Aung Ngui, a tax officer scolded and beat up Pengnawl a staff member on 13 January afternoon in Hakha township, Chin state. Pengnawl was hospitalized with serious injuries...

U Tin Aung Ngui, a tax officer scolded and beat up Pengnawl a staff member on 13 January afternoon in Hakha township, Chin state. Pengnawl was hospitalized with serious injuries.

The incident occurred because of a letter from Naypitaw and the staff cannot speak about it till date, said an eyewitness.

“The officer suddenly lost his temper and began beating Pengnawl when he was told about a bracket ( ) in the letter. U Tin Aung Ngui was quoted as saying ‘do not cross me, I can kill Chin people as easily as pigs and chicken’. Then he hit Pengnawl twice on the face and kicked him on the chest thrice,” he added.

U Tin Aung Ngui a middle aged military officer was transferred from the army. He is known to scold his staff and become violent.

“The condition of the injured staffer is serious. X-ray’s have been taken. He may be referred to Kalemyo civil hospital,” said a nurse in the hospital.

Pengnawl’s relatives are intending to file a case. But U Tin Aung Ngui is not bothered, said a person close to him.

“The patient cannot say anything and his condition is not good. So it is hard to say whether he will file a case or not,” said one of his relatives.