Teenager commits suicide after being threatened by local leader

Teenager commits suicide after being threatened by local leader
A teenager, who lived in Nyaung Kong ward, Pekon Township, committed suicide after he was threatened by a leader of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), witnesses said. When Edward (18), from Nyaung Kong ward, was returning from his slash-burn rice field ...

A teenager, who lived in Nyaung Kong ward, Pekon Township, committed suicide after he was threatened by a leader of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), witnesses said.

When Edward (18), from Nyaung Kong ward, was returning from his slash-burn rice field, he ordered betel nuts from Nang Aye Htoo's betel nut shop. Nang Aye Htoo, is a leader of USDA in the ward. He was impatient because he had to wait for a long time and kicked a chair in front of the shop. He was believed to be intoxicated, a witness said.

Nang Aye Htoo's shopkeeper responded aggressively using extremely bad language. As a result, the teenager lost control and damaged the shop's sign-board.

Although his parents and the Chairperson of the ward tried to solve the matter, Nang Aye Htoo did not accept any solution. Later, Nang Aye Htoo called the police thrice in order to ask them to arrest him.

USDA members and policemen with guns, handcuffs and ropes, arrived at the victim's house on April 3, to arrest him. When the police arrived at Edward's home, he felt very frightened and went to his bedroom and committed suicide by hanging himself with his sarong.

He did not die immediately. Then his parents took him to Pekon Hospital. Unfortunately, when the teenager arrived at the hospital, he was declared dead.

According to Edward's parents, he was not an alcoholic. The problem that had taken place at the betel shop was his first offence.