Burmese junta prepares for 2010 election

Burmese junta prepares for 2010 election
by -
Par Reh
The Burmese military regime has started getting organized for the 2010 general elections in Karenni state, an ethnic state in Burma. Forest Minister General Thein Aung, and Karenni State Peace and Development Council's chairman Brigadier General Win Myint ...

The Burmese military regime has started getting organized for the 2010 general elections in Karenni state, an ethnic state in Burma.

Forest Minister General Thein Aung, and Karenni State Peace and Development Council's chairman Brigadier General Win Myint toured Karenni state and inspected the new library building under construction in Dawsaw Bee village in Loi Kaw Township. The generals and donors contributed 1,200,000 Kyat for the construction of the new library building and herbal hospital on January 19.

According to the New Light of Myanmar on January 21, the minister also contributed written books and rice bags to Ethnic Youth Development School.  The school is sponsored by the Frontier and Ethnic Youth Development and Welfare Ministry.

The military junta did not pay attention to regional development for many years. Now it is wooing the electorate with donations for the 2010 elections said Khu Oo Reh, secretary of KNPP.

"They have never done this. I think many people will realize why they are doing it now. It's simply because of the 2010 elections. I can frankly say that high ranking military officials are wooing people to get votes," he said.

Likewise, Col. Tin Zaw led LIB 574 sponsored a football match in Daw Tamadu village group, De Maw Soo township on January 4. It was the first football match for locals. The Daw Tamdu village group consists of Daw Phu, Daw Pel, Daw Phyadu, Daw Nyaykhu, Daw Tamadu and Daw Hsaungphya village.

Locals said that it was the first sponsorship by the Burmese Army. They have never experienced anything like this before.

The Burmese military junta has said the 2010 election will be free and fair. Therefore, the government has started organizational work in ethnic regions for getting support. They have been wooing people in ethnic areas. It is learnt that government representatives were selected and allotted duties in each area, Khu Oo Reh added.