Extensive poppy cultivation in border areas of Karenni and Shan State

Extensive poppy cultivation in border areas of Karenni and Shan State
by -
Daily Htet
A Karenni Anti-Drug Action Committee's statement released on the 'International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking' states that poppy plantations are spread extensively over 3,800 acres in about 40 villages in Karenni and Shan states.

A Karenni Anti-Drug Action Committee's statement released on the 'International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking' states that poppy plantations are spread extensively over 3,800 acres in about 40 villages in Karenni and Shan states.

"In 2007, those 40 villages cultivated poppy in about 3,500 acres. They have extended poppy cultivation on 300 acres this year. The rate of poppy growth increased drastically this year as compared to last year," according to the statement.

Due to collection of taxes by force from villages in Shan state (south) and Karenni state (North West) by the Burmese army, locals find it difficult to make ends meet. Therefore, the locals have been growing poppy because it is easy to sell and make money, the statement revealed.

Ko Dominic, a leader of Karenni Anti-Drug Action Committee, said, "The aim of releasing this statement is that opium and drug production is still happening in Burma. Poppy plantation has been growing for many years. It has been happening for about three decades. This year is a little different from previous years. We can say that the poppy plantation has increased, this year."

Even though locals have grown other seasonal vegetables, prices, the level of production, labour costs were not balanced. Therefore, they cultivated poppy continuously for generating enough income.

Business-men from China, Korea, Taiwan, India, American and Thailand have bought raw opium from Burma, in the past. Among them, Chinese businessmen directly visit the cultivation areas and buy opium, according to the statement.

One viss of raw opium cost 450,000 Kyat last year but it costs 430,000 Kyat per viss this year because of lesser number of buyers.

KADAC was established on November 25, 2003. The organization has been working hard towards education and rehabilitation for drug addicts and helping people to grow substitute vegetables in these areas.

Over 500 people are drug addicts and among them 100 are major drug users in those 40 villages, where poppy is grown, Ko Dominic said.