Long-neck Kayan villages will be inundated because of Paunglaung dam.

Long-neck Kayan villages will be inundated because of Paunglaung dam.
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Kantarawaddy Times
The upper Paunglaung dam located on the Pyinmanar mountain range being constructed by the Burmese junta will inundate 12 Kayan villages and paddy farms, the Kayan Women's Union said in a report released today.

The upper Paunglaung dam located on the Pyinmanar mountain range being constructed by the Burmese junta will inundate 12 Kayan villages and paddy farms, the Kayan Women's Union said in a report released today.

The report is titled "Drowning the Green Ghosts of Kayanland". The upper Paunglaung dam is located 26 miles east of the new capital, Naypyidaw. Over 5,000 acres of fertile land will be destroyed and 3,500 people will be displaced.

Director Muu Neldo of KWU (Kayan Women's Union) said "The aim of the report is to expose SPDC's plans. The idea is to make the public aware about 12 Kayan villages which will be inundated. It points out how Kayan people will suffer and lose their livelihood. Kayan Lahtan people comprise only five percent in the area".

The upper Paunglaung dam is being constructed to store more water in lower Paunglaung dam for generating more electricity for Naypyidaw.

Since the dam construction started, locals have suffered from forced labour and human rights violations because the junta has deployed security forces in this area. However, most locals don't know about the dam construction yet.

Ko Aung Nge, a general secretary of 'Burma's River Network', said "this will have a negative effect on locals. I want the public to be aware of the negative effects and public participation in our movement to stop it. We want parties involved in the dam construction to realize the negative consequences and stop the dam construction."

The upper Paunglaung dam is under construction since 2004 with Chinese investment. The dam will be completed in December 2009. The hydropower plant will generate 140 mega watts and is 99 meters high. It is one of 24 hydropower projects in Burma financed by Chinese companies.

Kayan locals are yet to get over the suffering from the Moebye dam. Now the Paunglaung construction is another threat to locals.