Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Bangladesh authorities have arrested over 1300 Rohingyas along the Bangladesh-Burma border within eleven month of 2011, according...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Bangladesh and Burma will sign agreements on economic cooperation and investment protection during Prime Minister (PM) Sheikh...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Border Guard (BGB) handed over 19 released prisoners to Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) on December 3, while...
Alam (not his real name), a twenty-seven year-old Bangladeshi, smuggled Yaba methamphetamine tablets across Bangladesh from the Burmese border...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Yesterday, at 10 p.m., three men were arrested by the local border security force (Nasaka).
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Police personnel from the Nayapara camp outpost arrested a refugee yesterday. The man, Mohamed Ismail (27), son of Abul Fayaz,...
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Burma has shown interest in importing potatoes from Bangladesh because of their low cost, said Commerce Minister Faruk Khan...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Rohingya man named Rashid reportedly gave a five million kyat bribe in an attempt to overturn a local election result,...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: The Bangladesh Guard Bangladesh (BGB) expelled 16 Rohingyas at the Whykongon entry point on November 27.
Teknaf, Bangladesh: 138 people have gone missing after a Malaysia-bound vessel capsized in the Bay of Bengal on the evening of November 23, according...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Members of Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) forcibly entered a house from in the Litra (Kurkhali) village area of...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Lieutenant General Soe Win, Commander in Chief of the Burmese Army, visited Cox’s Bazar this morning. He stopped at a...
Mrauk-U, Arakan State: Three religious students were jailed on November 4, 2011. They were arrested while traveling to their hometowns from Kyauktaw...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested 47 Rohingyas on November 21 at several border points. All were sent back to Burma the...
Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar: A wild elephant entered the Kutupalong makeshift camp and destroyed some refugees’ huts in early morning hours today. The...
