Kaladan Press

The Rohingya community in the United Kingdom staged two separate demonstrations in front of the Burmese and Thai embassies in London on January 26,...
A sub-warrant officer of the police and a woman were arrested yesterday morning for dealing in drugs in Buthidaung, said police sources. Tin Ngwe,...
The Western Command Commander Major General Thanug Aye along with a group of State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) officers arrived today...
Burmese rice imports to Bangladesh have been stopped at Chittagong Port, since January 12, on account of there being rotten rice in the cargo ship,...
Thailand's Navy left about 500 Rohingya refugees to die in mid-ocean, after seizing them from the Thai coast and dragging them out to the ocean...
Over 300 rice mill workers, most of them women have lost their jobs in Bangladesh, as many traders are importing rice from Burma at cheaper prices,...
The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) of the Burmese military junta has been increasing army deployment on the Burma-Bangladesh border with...
Ten tanks were secretly stationed in north Arakan on December 29, 2008. They were brought from Burma proper and arrived at about 2 am at the...
A rights group, Refugees International (RI) from Washington, D.C called on the Government of Thailand to change their policy towards boat people, who...
Some Yaba tablet peddlers and addicts were produced in Maungdaw court on January 6, for testing their blood to find out whether they were addicted to...
Paddy fields in Maungdaw Township were damaged two years ago, after saline water meant for shrimp projects, was carried into the fields through...
Nearly 200 people reached Indonesia's Sumatra Island on a wooden boat on January 7, after drifting for a few days. They were found in Indonesian...
The SPDC has imposed more tax on marine products business, beginning from January 1, 2009, a businessman from Maungdaw said. The Buthidaung Tactical...
A man was arrested with 1 kg of heroin yesterday by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) from the check-post of Whykhong of Teknaf, while he was bringing the...
Bangladesh freed four Burmese nationals in the last one month after the country failed to repatriate Released Prisoners (RP) through normal...
