Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: One hundred and sixty students from Maungdaw High School are unable to take matriculation examinations which started recently...
Buthidaung, Arakan State: Police from Buthidaung arrested family members of a wanted person while unable to arrest the wanted person himself, in...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The authorities were still using forced labor on March 5th in theMaungdaw and Buthidaungareas of Northern Arakan State, where...
Akyab, Arakan State: U Tha Lu Chey, the minister of the Arakan State Administration Board, is trying to build a Buddha Damma youn (Buddhist community...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested nine Rohingyas at the border on March 5th and pushed them back into Burma later, a local...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) arrested a Rohingya woodcutter on March 1, 2012, according to a local villager.
Teknaf, Bangladesh: The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Burma border security force (Nasaka) met on March 3 at Lamba Bill border crossing to...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Local people from Maungdaw fear for their livelihoods after sole agent tenders were announced on March 3, according to a...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Maungdaw Township administration officer ordered village administration officers to strictly follow restrictions while...
Chaing Mai, Thailand: Burma’s political problem can be solved by political means according to Dr. KhinMaung, the Central Committee member and Deputy...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Bangladesh has demanded an equitable solution to the maritime boundary issue with Burma based on the final judgment of the...
Local people from Myoma Kayoungdan (Sekda para) village surrounded traffic police personnel while they tried to extort and harass a religious leader...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Maungdaw township authority issued a warning to the trustees from the administration office of the Muslim religious...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Rohingyas attended the European Burma Network (EBN) meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on February 18-19, according to Tun Khin,...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: The Burmese envoy to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia met with Rohingyas during his visit to Jeddah on February 17, according to...
