Six Burmese nationals detained in Teknaf

Six Burmese nationals detained in Teknaf

Personnel of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) arrested six Burmese nationals in Shahpari dip in Teknaf upazila on July 19 for illegal entry, according to BDR sources...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Personnel of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) arrested six Burmese nationals in Shahpari dip in Teknaf upazila on July 19 for illegal entry, according to BDR sources.

BDR patrolling in the borderline

The BDR arrested them when they entered Bangladesh illegally, the source said.

The arrested are:  Ali Akbar (38), Mohamed Hamid (28), Yaar Muhammad (22) Mohamed Selim (27) Mmohamed Yasin (25) and Doulat Hussain (55). They are Burmese Muslims (Rohingya) from Arakan.

Acting officer-in-charge at Teknaf police station Jamal Ahmed Chowdhury said the six are residents of Jalia Para in Akyab, Burma.

A case has been filed against them, he said.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer (TNO) of Teknaf Mohamed Tofayel Islam said, "Earlier we pushed back Burmese citizens several times. As it did not work, we have now decided to file cases against them."

The Ukiya police had beaten and collected money from the Rohingya refugee who are living in the unregistered camp while going for work as they didn’t get any support from any quarter for their survival today, said a refugee committee member.

The ethnic Rohingya from Arakan State are fleeing their homeland to Bangladesh because of religious persecution, restrictions in movement, marriage and education. But, Bangladesh is not allowing them to seek asylum in the country. The Bangladesh authorities are arresting them while they enter Bangladesh and are sending them to jail. Now, there are 600 Burmese citizens languishing in Cox’s Bazaar and Bandarban jails after serving their jail term.