VPDC Chairmen’s election in Maungdaw, Arakan State

VPDC Chairmen’s election in Maungdaw, Arakan State
Elections to the post of Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) Chairmen were held yesterday in Maungdaw Township. This is because the authorities have to select their henchmen ...

Maungdaw, Arakan State:  Elections to the post of Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) Chairmen were held yesterday in Maungdaw Township. This is because the authorities have to select their henchmen for the forthcoming elections, said a businessman from the locality who declined to be named.

Yesterday, the district police officer Hla Myo Shin, the District Immigration officer  and the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) Chairman U Tin Ohn  went to Maungdaw north and held elections in  the village tracts of Pawet Chaung, Maung Nama, Baggona and Garoto Bill village tracts of Maungdaw township.

After arriving in the villages, the authorities asked the villagers to elect village Chairmen of their choice. From one village tract, one to three persons contested for the village chairman’s post.  After casting of votes, the authorities counted it and took the list and left without any information to the villagers. But, the candidates were called to their office to meet them.

Villagers believe that the result will be announced later and the men who are the junta’s henchman or who give more money than others to the authorities will be successful, said a schoolteacher from the locality.

Today also elections will be held in other village tracts such as --- Nari Bill, Nada Khali and Darga Para of Maungdaw Township. Similarly, the election will be held in other village tracts of Maungdaw Township soon.

Villagers are surprised because of the unexpected holding of elections in Maungdaw Township. Earlier, the authorities informed villagers of the elections at least one month earlier. “Why did the authorities rush to the village tracts for elections? asked a local elder.

A local trader said, “The elections are meant to mobilize villagers through VPDC Chairmen for the general elections”.