Elephant kills refugee at Kutupalong unofficial camp

Elephant kills refugee at Kutupalong unofficial camp
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A woman refugee from the unofficial Kutupalong refugee camp was killed and her husband seriously injured by an elephant on February 11, at about 2:30 p.m. The couple was returning to their camp from the forest after collecting firewood,...

A woman refugee from the unofficial Kutupalong refugee camp was killed and her husband seriously injured by an elephant on February 11, at about 2:30 p.m. The couple was returning to their camp from the forest after collecting firewood, said a refugee.  

Banu (35) and her husband Tanda Meah (45) went to the nearby forest to collect firewood. They were returning to their camp when a wild elephant appeared, grabbed the husband with its trunk and threw him. It then killed the wife, while he was lifting firewood bundles on her head. Her husband suffered severe injuries and is being treated in a local clinic.

According to refugee from camp, Banu never go to the forest, but this time the family had no food for three days and the children cried for food, so the parent went to forest to collect the firewood to sell for food as the Bangladesh authority banned refugee to go out of camp for work.

The body was buried in the cemetery of refugee’s camp in the evening. They belong to Block-C1 of the Kutupalong unregistered camp.

The couple has five children and the eldest is 11 years old. The future of the children has become uncertain and they have no other relatives at the camp. At the same time the Bangladesh authorities are not allowing refugees to go out of the camp to work and support their families, said a woman refugee from the camp.  

Rohingyas are unlucky people because they are arrested and tortured by junta authorities in Burma and have to flee from their mother land because of systematic persecution. They were also killed in Thailand, arrested in Bangladesh and in Malaysia and sent to jail, a local leader from Maungdaw Town lamented.