Township office sits on teacher applications in Maungdaw

Township office sits on teacher applications in Maungdaw
by -
Tin Soe
The Maungdaw Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) office has been sitting on teacher’s applications from the Arakanese Rohingya community in Maungdaw,...

The Maungdaw Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) office has been sitting on teacher’s applications from the Arakanese Rohingya community in Maungdaw, said a TPDC officer.

Applications by Arakanese Rohingya for teacher’s posts were not sent to the concerned authorities for selection, the officer said.

Last month, the Western Command Commander, Major General Thaung Aye, ordered collection of application for teacher posts from the residents of Maungdaw including the Arakanese Rohingya, because teachers are needed in the rural areas, according to an elder from Maungdaw.

The ruling military junta does not accept any Arakanese Rohingya for the posts of government jobs for a long time. This year in Maungdaw, the western Command Commander ordered acceptance of applications from the Arakanese Rohingya community for working in the education sector of Maungdaw, the elder said.

“About 100 Arakanese Rohingyas applied for teacher’s posts through the TPDC, but, during the interview no Arakanese Rohingya applicant was called,” the elder added.

On other hand, in Taungbru, two Arakanese Rohingya applied for teacher’s posts and the applications were accepted, but, no information was sent to them for interviews, said a former teacher from Maungdaw.

“The TPDC withheld all the applications and did not forward it to the concerned office,” the teacher said. “If it had forwarded the applications, we believe all applicants would have got appointments.”

For a teacher’s application, a Arakanese Rohingya applicant had spent around Kyat 10,000:- for a form Kyat 2000, submission fee Kyat 2000, travel document and recommendation letter from village Kyat 2000, stamp and document copy   with other expenditures  Kyat 4000, said an applicant.

“There are some poor applicants who had no money and borrowed from with the hope of getting a job, but, they did not get called for an interview as the TPDC sat on the applications,” an applicant said.

“Some officers in Maungdaw don’t want Arakanese Rohingya to be involved in the education sector  in Maungdaw as most of the students are Arakanese Rohingya in the rural areas,” said a politician from Maungdaw.