School in Burmese unregistered refugee camp demolished

School in Burmese unregistered refugee camp demolished
by -
Tin Soe
The security officer of the UNHCR controlled Arakanese Rohingya refugee camp of Kutupalong, Sub Inspector Shafourdin demolished the primary school of the unregistered camp this morning without reason ...

Kutupalong, Bangladesh: The security officer of the UNHCR controlled Arakanese Rohingya refugee camp of Kutupalong, Sub Inspector Shafourdin demolished the primary school of the unregistered camp this morning without reason, said an elder refugee who has three school going children.

All the bamboos from which the school was made were taken to the registered camp by the officer, he added.

The refugee are building the school

The school was built on January 2 with bamboo and mud by the Arakanese Rohingya refugees who are keen on educating their children, he said.

The refugees collected money from among themselves. The educated among them want to teach voluntarily in the school, said a young refugee wanting to be a teacher in the school.

Every refugee available in the camp toiled in the school building night and day, mixing mud for the walls and for the boundary, said a refugee woman.

The refugee are building the school

“Is it a crime to build a school where children will get education? We need the school for our children,” said a refugee woman who has three children.

“We were waiting for the construction of the school to finish to send our children, but the dream has gone after the school was demolished,” said the refugee women from the camp.