Rohingya woman accused of giving birth to illegitimate child

Rohingya woman accused of giving birth to illegitimate child
Nasaka, Burma’s border security force has accused a Rohingya woman in Maungdaw Township of giving birth to an illegitimate child, said a close relative of the victim on condition of anonymity...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Nasaka, Burma’s border security force has accused a Rohingya woman in Maungdaw Township of giving birth to an illegitimate child, said a close relative of the victim on condition of anonymity.

The victim is Arifa Befum, 30, (not real name) is the wife of Hafez Md. Hussain from Pawet Chaung village of Maungdaw Township.

Her husband Hussain went to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) last year leaving his wife with his brothers. His wife was pregnant when he was going to KSA. This was informed to the Nasaka camp. Rohingya women have to inform the concerned Nasaka camp when they become pregnant, according to a local trader.

After five months of her husband’s departure to KSA, Arifa Begum gave birth to a child in her village and the mother tried to register the child in her family list. She failed because Nasaka was into dilatory tactics and she was told to come to the camp later.  She went to the Nasaka camp three times to register her new born child, but could not, the trader added.

Later, the mother of the child sent her brother to the camp to register her child in her brother’s family list. Her brother succeeded to enroll the baby in his family list by paying money to the Nasaka.

But, the Nasaka was informed through a collaborator. Nasaka personnel from Nasaka area No. 5 of Maungdaw Township went to the village to arrest Arifa and her brother on the allegation that they had deceived the Nasaka. So, the victim’s family members are not able to sleep in their houses for fear of arrest and torture, said another relative of the victim.

“The Nasaka only wanted money. They know that her husband is working abroad,” said another close relative.

“It is human rights violation that the Nasaka alleged that the woman’s child was illegitimate,” said a local school teacher.

A village elder said, “Nasaka deliberately delays registering new born children, because it wants to harass the parents.”