High-level delegation visits Burmese refugee camps

High-level delegation visits Burmese refugee camps
A four-member high level delegation of ambassadors of America and Norway in Bangladesh visited Burmese refugee camps yesterday at about 10 am to review the situation of refugees in the camps ...

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: A four-member high level delegation of ambassadors of America and Norway in Bangladesh visited Burmese refugee camps yesterday at about 10 am to review the situation of refugees in the camps, said a refugee schoolteacher from Naryapara camp.   

The delegation comprised two Americans and two Norwegians. They were accompanied by three other Bangladeshi officers.  

They visited the women tailoring center, profiling center, vocational training center, and refugee schools of Nayapara refugee camp.  

They entered one Abdul Malek’s shed in the camp and asked his name, when and why he left Burma, and how many children he has.

After visiting the Nayapara camp, at around noon, they left for the Kutupalong refugee camp. There, they also visited schools, other projects and observed the situation in the camp.

The aim of the visit was to oversee the refugee situation in the camps and to settle some of the refugees in a third country. They want to have some development programmes in the camp, said a refugee committee member from Nayapara camp.

Before the arrival of the delegation, the Camp-in-Charge of Nayapara camp called some of the refugee leaders for a meeting, but it was canceled by Wahid, the UNHCR officer saying that it will be held the next time, said another refugee of the camp.  

However, refugees wanted to say something to the delegation about the situation of the camp, but they did not get the opportunity, said a refugee leader of the camp.