Delegations visit Kutupalong Burmese refugee camp

Delegations visit Kutupalong Burmese refugee camp
A group of delegations visited the Kutupalong refugee camp on October 13 and met government officials, UN agencies, NGOs and the refugees themselves, said a refugee committee member from the Kutupalong official camp...

Ukhiya, Bangladesh: A group of delegations visited the Kutupalong refugee camp on October 13 and met government officials, UN agencies, NGOs and the refugees themselves, said a refugee committee member from the Kutupalong official camp.

During the visit, the delegations observed the situation of the refugee camp and discussed matters with camp authorities, he added.

Germany has pledged Euro 300,000, equivalent to 4, 31,655 US dollars, to UNHCR mainly for relief work for the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

The aid is meant for improving the situation of Arakanese Rohingya refugees of Arakan State, Burma in their Cox's Bazaar camps as well as improving the infrastructure of schools, outside the camps to benefit Bangladeshi children in the coastal district, according to an announcement, which was made on October 14, 2009.

At the same time, Gunter Nooke, Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, visited Bangladesh together with the human rights ambassadors from Denmark and the Netherlands.

Before embarking on the trip, Commissioner Nooke said, "The Government in Dhaka is tackling the major challenges with respect for and protection of human rights. We want to encourage the Government in this endeavour."

Saber Azam, UNHCR Representative in Bangladesh, said, "We are extremely grateful for this contribution. It is critical that we not only support refugees in the camps, but also the Bangladeshi community, who have been hosting refugees for almost two decades and who are also in need of assistance."