Local authorities restrict refugee movement again

Local authorities restrict refugee movement again
Local authorities from Morischa border check post under the Ukeya police station have restricted Arakanese Rohingya refugees from Kutupalong to cross the check post for their daily work ...

Kutupalong, Bangladesh: Local authorities from Morischa border check post under the Ukeya police station have restricted Arakanese Rohingya refugees from Kutupalong to cross the check post for their daily work in other areas, said Abu Alam, the camp refugee committee secretary.

Today early, morning, Arakanese Rohingya refugees from the unregistered refugee camp, were going for their daily work in Cox’s Bazaar and other parts of Ukeya area by local bus. But, when the refugees reached the border check post of Morischa, the security personnel did not allow them to pass and told them to go back to the camp, he added.

When the refugees asked the security personnel at the check post about the reason for the restriction as going to work is their only way of survival the security personnel avoided answering, the secretary said.

“We are not recognized by the UNHCR as refugees and we do not get any support from any quarter. We worked for our families’ survival, for which we need to move for jobs. If the Bangladesh government restricts our movement, how is it different from the Burmese military junta,” asked Rafique, a committee member from the camp.

“We came here to save our lives from the Burmese military junta. We don’t want to settle here. When our country becomes peaceful and democracy is restored, we will go back to our country,” he added.

The unregistered Kutupalong refugee camp has more than 30,000 people who are working for their survival in areas near the camp and Cox’s Bazaar as daily labourers and rickshaw pullers.

The camp is getting little support from ACF and MSF for a hygienic system in the camp, supply of biscuits to the young, supply of household items and medical treatment.

Today, because of the border check post block more than 50 refugees returned to the camp.