Authorities destroy 100 unregistered refugee homes

Authorities destroy 100 unregistered refugee homes
The authorities of the registered refugee camp (Kutupalong) destroyed about 100 houses of unregistered refugees living near the UNHCR registered refugee camp yesterday noon, according to a refugee from the camp...

Kutupalong, Bangladesh: The authorities of the registered refugee camp (Kutupalong) destroyed about 100 houses of unregistered refugees living near the UNHCR registered refugee camp yesterday noon, according to a refugee from the camp.

The Camp-in-Charge ASM Fasal Rabbi along with camp security officer Sub Inspector (SI) Moonir and other security personnel destroyed around 100 houses of unregistered Rohingya refugees in Block A 3 in front of the MSF and ACF office, he added.

The order was issued by the Camp-in-Charge and the security personnel destroyed the houses, said Anwar from the unregistered refugee camp.

Jamal and Harban, the staff members of the MSF recorded the destruction of the houses with a video camera, he said.

But, SI Moonir arrested the two staff members of the MSF, who were recording the destruction of the refugees’ houses and took them to the office of the Camp-in-Charge office. Later, they were released, according to an unregistered refugee committee member, Kala Meah.

According to MSF officials, the recorded video tape was safe though the local authorities asked for it.

It is learnt that the Camp-in-Charge and his personnel were informed by the refugees that locals Zafor Ahmed and Kamal, son of Syed Ahmed and their sister Ms. Saylinna had quarreled with registered refugee Sabir, son of Gawsonngya, who was locked and kept in the house of Zafor. At the clashes 15 persons were wounded. Since the registered refugees are under control of the Camp-in-Charge, he was asked to intervene.  He went to the spot where he saw some refugees’ houses were built near the road side and in front of the MSF and ACF office. So,he then ordered the houses be destroyed.

The SI Moonir arrested 18 persons of unregistered Rohingya refugees on said day and kept them in the camp security box and released today after taking 3000 Taka from them, Kalam , an unregistered refugee said.