Rohingya village relocated for airport in Kyaukpru

Rohingya village relocated for airport in Kyaukpru
More than 30 families of a Rohingya village were relocated from their village to a flooded area in Kyaukpru east, said a school teacher from Kyaukpru...

Kyaukpru, Arakan State: More than 30 families of a Rohingya village were relocated from their village to a flooded area in Kyaukpru east, said a school teacher from Kyaukpru.

The Rohingya village, Taungyorn (Kalasu) situated near Kyaukpru airport west, was ordered to shift to another part of Kyaukpru east called Kayoungdaw and Shahpingawn village, which is situated near the river. It is always flooded, the teacher said.

The Rohingya villagers were asked to shift in the monsoons and they were unable to build shelters to stay because it is inundated, said a Rohingya elder from the village.

The authorities provided them wood, tin and some rations, which were not enough for them to build shelters, he added.

“It is a kind of harassment to force us to move from our place by giving us a place which is inundated with just some materials and ration, showing that the authorities provided us all kinds of facility,” he added.

“The authorities ordered us to move to a new place in the rainy season to complete the airport in a month (August 16 to September 16). It is very difficult for us to set up shelters,” said a student from the village.

“Now our villagers are facing many difficulties and students are unable to go to school as it is too far, he added.