Relief distributes in unofficial lada refugees camp

Relief distributes in unofficial lada refugees camp
The Islamic Relief (UK), the managing group in Lada unregistered camp, distributed relief materials in the Lada Burmese refugee unofficial camp, in Cox’s Bazaar district of Bangladesh yesterday ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: The Islamic Relief (UK), the managing group in Lada unregistered camp, distributed relief materials in the Lada Burmese refugee unofficial camp, in Cox’s Bazaar district of Bangladesh yesterday, said Hakim from the camp.

The Islamic Relief (UK) provided three items--- 8 kgs of rice, 2 kgs of chickpea and one litter of oil per family, he added.

When asked Sayeda a woman refugee said that she as well as other refugees are very happy to receive relief from Islamic Relief (UK) given their need for food.  

They provided rations to 2100 families in the camp but did not receive any support from any other quarter in the ongoing month of Ramadan except this relief, said Salim another refugee from the camp.  

Over 10,000 Rohingyas are living in Lada camp without government or UN assistance. The government and UNHCR are not providing food and shelter.

“We have been facing many difficulties in supporting our family members. We do not find sufficient work out of the camp and have been facing many problems when we go out of the camp,” said Noor Hakim from the camp.