Arrested for repairing mosque in Maungdaw

Arrested for repairing mosque in Maungdaw
The Burmese border security force (Nasaka) in the wee hours of yesterday arrested two Rohingya for repairing the inside of a mosque, said a village elder...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Burmese border security force (Nasaka) in the wee hours of yesterday arrested two Rohingya for repairing the inside of a mosque, said a village elder.

The arrested are - Shafique Ahamed (50), son of Md. Kasim and Nurual Islam (60), son of Lal Meah from Thinnbawgwe (Koloon) village tract under Nasaka sector number 8 of Maungdaw Township, he added.

The two Rohingya are among 13 people, who repaired the mosque in 2007. The authorities filed a case against them. Six persons were given jail terms of five years each while another five persons fled to Bangladesh to evade arrest. The other two were hiding in the village till they were arrested yesterday, said an aide of Nasaka.

The Nasaka called the village head to the camp for further interrogation.

At the detention centre of the Nasaka out post, the two Rohingya were physically and mentally tortured. No one knows what will happen to them, said a member of the village authority.