Refugee child succumbs to diarrhea

Refugee child succumbs to diarrhea
A one-year-old registered Rohingya refugee from Kutupalong camp died of diarrhea on August 21, as the doctor refused to admit the child at the camp clinic, said a refugee from Kutupalong camp...

Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazaar: A one-year-old registered Rohingya refugee from Kutupalong camp died of diarrhea on August 21, as the doctor refused to admit the child at the camp clinic, said a refugee from Kutupalong camp.

The victim was identified as Mohamed Imaran, son of Kabir Ahmed, MRC# 40734 of Kutupalong Camp under Cox’s Bazaar district.

In the morning of that day, the boy was detected with diarrhea and the family members went to the camp clinic, where the camp doctor said that the child would soon recover. But, the doctor did not give any medicine to the patient.  It was around 10:00 am, according to the father of the patient.

After half an hour, he was again brought to the clinic. The doctor checked the patient, and found the condition of the child critical. So, he referred the patient to Cox’s Bazaar Sadar Hospital for better treatment, he said.

However, he died on the highway to Cox’s Bazaar, according to a source.

“If the doctor, had carefully checked my child, he might have been saved,” said the mother of the child.