Fake Burmese currency note in Northern Arakan

Fake Burmese currency note in Northern Arakan
Fake thousand Kyat Burmese currency notes were found in Maungdaw and Buthidaung Township in the first week of August, according to an official from Maungdaw...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Fake thousand Kyat Burmese currency notes were found in Maungdaw and Buthidaung Township in the first week of August, according to an official from Maungdaw.

The fake notes were found in the market of Maungdaw and Buthidaung. Plain clothes security personnel already had the information and were searching for the main distribution centre, he added.

Local people, operating the foreign exchange business also found fake notes. Now they are carefully checking currency notes, according to a trader in Buthidaung.

Some people were arrested in this connection in Akyab and other parts of Arakan, but the authorities did not talk about it, said an officer from the Township office.

“The fake notes are circulating in the local market. Why didn’t the authorities take action?  May be they know from where it came,” said a school teacher in Maungdaw.

The fake currency will affect local people working in the market and daily labourers, because the authorities have not informed the public about it, he added.

“This is first time I have heard that fake currency is in circulation in our town,” said an old business man in Maungdaw. “I think it is planned to create trouble in the town.”