Nasaka’s surprise checks upsets villagers in Maungdaw

Nasaka’s surprise checks upsets villagers in Maungdaw
Burma’s border security force, Nasaka’s surprise checks on villagers of Maungdaw Township have upset the villagers since they went to the village at mid-night, while the villagers were sleeping and extorted money ...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force, Nasaka’s surprise checks on villagers of Maungdaw Township have upset the villagers since they went to the village at mid-night, while the villagers were sleeping and extorted money, a schoolteacher said on condition of anonymity.
On August 11, at mid-night, a group of Nasaka went to west Habi Para (village) of Butkargonenah village tract of Maungdaw Township and arrested Hafez Sayed Hussain (45), son of Du Du Meah for keeping two workers in his house, who are from Buthidaung Township. They came to Maungdaw Township with recommendation letters from the concerned authorities for working for only one month, but its date had lapsed.  Therefore, the keeper was fined Kyat 100,000 for keeping two workers in his house, with invalid recommendation letters, said a relative of the victim.

In addition, Safayed Hussain (30), younger brother of Sayed Hussain was also arrested by Nasaka, for an illegal marriage without getting marriage permission from the concerned authorities. The victim had submitted an application to the concerned Nasaka authority, but he did not get marriage permission after waiting for a long time. As a result, the victim taking consensus of both sides married a girl without informing the Nasaka. So, the arrestee was fined Kyat 100,000, said a friend of the victim.

Besides, another villager named Ismail (60), son of Amir Hamza, who hails from west Kawlizabanga Para of Butkargonenah village tract of Maungdaw Township was arrested for his son. Once, his son Md. Anwar (22) was arrested by Nasaka on August 8, on the allegation that he had allowed outsiders in his tent of shrimp project, while he was sleeping.  For this reason, he was fined Kyat 70,000.  But, he was able to pay only Kyat 50,000 at that time and he had promised to pay another Kyat 20,000 within 2 or 3 days. But, he failed to pay it in time. As a result, the old man, father of Ismail was arrested and was fined Kyat 50,000 in place of Kyat 20,000, said a local villager.

When the Nasaka went to the villages of Maungdaw Township, they charged the villagers, who would be able to pay money after any allegation against them. Most of the villagers are targeted, if they have relatives or sons or brothers in foreign countries.

They also humiliate the villagers by entering their rooms, without taking any permission, while they are sleeping.