Forty nine Burmese nationals pushed back in July

Forty nine Burmese nationals pushed back in July
Forty nine Rohingya ethnic people from Burma were pushed back by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR)   during the first week of July, according to BDR sources...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Forty nine Rohingya ethnic people from Burma were pushed back by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR)   during the first week of July, according to BDR sources.
The Rohingya were crossing the border and entering Bangladesh illegally from Burma through the porous border area of Teknaf. They were pushed back across the same point the same day, the sources said.
According to Capt. Fuad of the 42 Rifles Battalion, Teknaf, the push backs were conducted from July 2 to July 7. Among those sent back were 17 men, eight women and 24 children. The number of people pushed back so far this year was 900.
According to BDR sources, BDR personnel arrested two Rohingya from Shaporirdip in Teknaf on July 2 when they were crossing the Naff River. Thirty five Rohingyas including 10 men, six women and 19 children were arrested from Teknaf on July 4 while crossing the Naff River.  Another 12 Rohingyas including five men, two women and five children were arrested from Sabrong in Teknaf on July 7. All the Rohingyas ethnic minorities were pushed back to Burma.
“Most of the Rohingya face discrimination and harassment in their homeland by the ruling Burmese junta.  To escape persecution, they try to enter Bangladesh illegally by bribing the Burmese border security force (Nasaka) to cross the border. But, the BDR keeps a watch and pushes them back,” said a social worker from Teknaf working with a NGO.