High level delegation visits Burmese refugee camp

High level delegation visits Burmese refugee camp
A high level delegation from USA and Australia visited a Burmese refugee camp on May 6, at about 10:30 am for checking sheds of the camp, said a refugee leader. The ambassadors of United States of America and Australia accompanied by country representative ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A high level delegation from USA and Australia visited a Burmese refugee camp on May 6, at about 10:30 am for checking sheds of the camp, said a refugee leader.

The ambassadors of United States of America and Australia accompanied by country representative of United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) and other officers of different NGOs paid a visit to the Burmese refugee camps yesterday.

It is learnt that the main donors for sheds of Rohingya refugee camps are USA, Australia, Italy and the European Union.  

They visited the Nayapara camp, observed the new sheds and also visited the profiling interview and women centres in the camp.

They left the camp an hour later, at around 11:30 am, said another refugee called Salim in the camp.

The Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), police and Ansars beefed up security around the refugee camp for the delegation.

Refugees from the camp shouted slogans holding aloft banners saying that there is no security for refugees in Bangladesh and demanded settlement in third countries, said another refugee on condition of anonymity.