Rohingya trader killed, two missing, on their way home to Maungdaw

Rohingya trader killed, two missing, on their way home to Maungdaw
A Rohingya trader was killed by Natala villagers, while two others have been reported missing, when they were crossing the Nga-kyidauk mountain pass from Maungdaw Township to Buthidaung Township, on March 25, a relative of the victim said...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Rohingya trader was killed by Natala villagers, while two others have been reported missing, when they were crossing the Nga-kyidauk mountain pass from Maungdaw Township to Buthidaung Township, on March 25, a relative of the victim said.  

Early in the morning, on March 25, 15 Rohingya vegetable traders from Buthidaung Township went to Maungdaw Town, to sell potatoes, turmeric, chilli, sesame oil-cake and other items after crossing the Nga-kyidauk mountain pass. The mountain pass is well known to the British and Japan governments as it was used during the Second World War II. Many British forces and Japanese forces were killed during the Second World War in this mountain pass.

After selling their goods in Maungdaw Township, in the evening, they were returning to their native town after crossing the Nga-kyidauk mountain pass. However, at that time, some Natala (Model) villagers, who were brought to Maungdaw Township, from Burma proper and settled in Maungdaw Township, with lethal weapons, were waiting on the mountain pass to rob the vegetable traders, another relative said.

When the vegetable traders reached the mountain pass, the Natala villagers suddenly attacked them and the traders tried to escape. But, one trader was killed by Natala villagers on the spot and two others are still missing. The other traders, however, managed to escape.

The traders, who escaped, however, reached their village and informed the relatives about the incident. So, some of the relatives accompanied by other traders went to the spot, and searched for the missing traders. A body was found and two others continue to be missing.

The relatives went to the Nasaka headquarters of Maungdaw Township, carrying the body and informed the authorities about the incident in detail. From Nasaka Headquarters, they then carried the body to their native village for burial. One of the officers told them that an enquiry would be held and proper action would be taken against the culprits, a Nasaka aide from Maungdaw said.

When asked regarding the robbery committed by Natala villagers, a village elder said, “The present SPDC authorities were not satisfied with their persecution against the Rohingya community, so they encourage the Natala villagers to oppress the Rohingya community.