VPDC Chairman arrested by Sarapa in Maungdaw

VPDC Chairman arrested by Sarapa in Maungdaw
A Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) Chairman of Maungdaw Township was arrested by Military Intelligence (Sarapa) on December 13, on the accusation of that he had provided recommendation letters ...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) Chairman of Maungdaw Township was arrested by Military Intelligence (Sarapa) on December 13, on the accusation of that he had provided recommendation letters to three Bangladeshi nationals to go to Sittwe (Akyab), the capital of Arakan State, said a source close to Nasaka on condition of anonymity.

The VPDC Chairman was identified as U Than Myint of Ward No.1 of Maungdaw Town.

Three Bangladeshi Rakhines went to Maungdaw to visit their relatives at Maungdaw after getting legal passes from Bangladesh authorities. After visiting their relatives, the three Bangladeshis wanted to go to Sittwe for business purpose after procuring recommendation letters from the VPDC Chairman.

According to sources, foreigners are not allowed to go to Sittwe without getting permission from Immigration of the Nasaka (Burma's border security force) (and TPDC (Township Peace and Development Council). It is illegal for foreigners to go to Sittwe after procuring recommendation letters from a village Chairman. But, the Chairman gave them recommendation letter as native villagers.

On December 12, the three Bangladeshi Rakhines went to Sittwe taking recommendation letters from the VPDC Chairman through Rathedaung Township by boat. But when the three Bangladeshis reached the jetty in Rathedaung Town, the Sarapa arrested them having become suspicious.

They were sent to Nasaka headquarters in Maungdaw for further interrogation. On the basis of their statements, the VPDC Chairman U Than Myint was also arrested on December 13, by Sarapa and detained in Nasaka headquarters.