Four engine boats leave for Malaysia with boat-people in a month

Four engine boats leave for Malaysia with boat-people in a month
Four engine boats with nearly 400 boat-people left for Malaysia from Burma and Bangladesh territorial waters in a month (30days), said a broker in Shapuri Dip, Bangladesh...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Four engine boats with nearly 400 boat-people left for Malaysia from Burma and Bangladesh territorial waters in a month (30days), said a broker in Shapuri Dip, Bangladesh.

On November 30, about 108 boat-people from Aley Than Kyaw and Myinn Hlut village tracts of Maungdaw Township left for Malaysia. The engine boat left from Moesh Khali island of Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh. But the boat was seized in Thailand and all the boat-people have been sent to Rangoon, according to information received from a relative of boat-people.

This engine boat left for Maylaysia under the supervision of brokers Noor Mohamed (40), hailing from Than Da Para and Montazul Hoque (30) of Myinn Hlut village with the help of Nasaka Commander of Nasaka Area No. 7 and 8.

Besides, some other brokers have been identified as Yunus (shopkeeper) of Ward No.5, Nozumullah of Ward No.1, Md. Islam from Min Ga Hla Gyi village, Shalam of Ward No.5, Mahabul of Ward No.2, Zubair from Gaw Dhu Thar Ya village of Nasaka area No.7, Village PDC Chairman Noor Mamood of Warr Cha Para, Ayas from Pounzg Zaar village, Korimullah of Gyigkan Pyin village and Maung Sein from Ngar Sa Kyeu village of Nasaka area No.6, are the brokers of boat-people. They all are from Maungdaw Township.

The brokers with the help of Commanders of Nasaka area No.5, 6, 7 and 8 collected the boat-people for Malaysia by taking kyat 600,000 to 300,000 per head. Half of the money was paid to the authorities before departure to Malaysia and the rest would have been paid after reaching Malaysia. There were agreements between the brokers and boat-people that they would pay the money after selling their house and property, if they failed to send the rest of the money from Malaysia.

If the boat-people are arrested in Thailand, India, Burma and Bangladesh, they will not be allowed to enter their mother land again. They have been struck off their family list. So, most of the boat-people were stranded in Bangladesh after their journey was cut short.

On November 24, another engine boat was seized along with about 47 boat-people by the Maggyi Chaung Nasaka camp of Nasaka area No. 7, but they were released after taking kyat 100,000 per head. The boat was under the supervision of broker Kyaw Myint, hailing from Pan Daw Pyin village with the collaboration of the concerned Nasaka Commander. But, in this boat, 43 other boat people were canceled from the list of people going because they were unable to pay the full amount of money. They were also struck off the family list. They are now wandering from place to place to avoid arrest, said a local elder who declined to be named.

Another boat with about 100 boat-people also left for Malaysia from Burma territory on an unconfirmed date, a fisherman said on condition of anonymity.

On December I, about 100 boat-people from Darga Para and La Baw Zaar village of Maungdaw Township including some boat-people from Buthidaung Township left for Malaysia under the supervision of brokers Md. Abbas (25), son of Kalu, hailing from Fran Pru village of Maungdaw Township. The engine boat left from Fran Pru village with the help of Nasaka Sector Commander Major Than Htay. The brokers collected kyat 400,000 per boat-people.

The boat reached Thailand on December 7, and was seized by Thai authorities. About 400 boat people were detained in Thailand a, according to a relative of boat-people in Malaysia.