More extraction from defenders and plaintiffs by chief justice

More extraction from defenders and plaintiffs by chief justice
Maungdaw chief district justice U Ohn Han, is allegedly taking bribes continuously from the plaintiffs and defendants and trying to settle court cases immediately before he is transferred to Naypyidaw...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Maungdaw chief district justice U Ohn Han, is allegedly taking bribes continuously from the plaintiffs and defendants and trying to settle court cases immediately before he is transferred to Naypyidaw. He will leave for Naypyidaw on December 4, according to a close aide of the police in Maungdaw.

He has been already transferred to Naypyidaw as of November 1. Moreover, on December 2, he took bribes from 8 plaintiffs and defendants for settlement of their cases.

On that day, the chief justice called 8 people to his home, and extracted kyat 3.5 million kyat per each except Nir Ahmed and Abduzabber. They are identified as Abu Sidique, hailed from Myo Thu Gyi village of Maungdaw, Hydor Ali, the same village, Kyaw Tun Sein, the same village, Sultan from Ward No. 2, Nir Ahmed of Shwe Zaar village, Abdu Zabber of Maungdaw Town and two others.  Nir Ahmed bribed kyat 10million and Abdur Zabber bribed kyat 5 million, said a source close to the plaintiffs and defendants.

The Chief district judge also rejected the bail petition of Salim (Than Tun) the Chairman of MMO (Myammar Muslin Organizationl) of Maungdaw District. He is famous for his notorious activities. He illegally jailed innocent persons who were not able to pay more bribe.

He was transferred because he did not follow even the orders of his boss and also famous for sending innocent people into jail, according to sources.  

He was transferred to Naypyidaw on November 30, from Maungdaw Town, Arakan State. So, he is taking bribe and trying to settle the cases quickly and the cases go in favor of people who give more money.