Western Command Commander inspects troops in Northern Arakan

Western Command Commander inspects troops in Northern Arakan
The Western Command Commander Major General Thanug Aye inspected reinforcements in Buthidaung Township areas yesterday, according to sources...

Buthidaung, Arakan State: The Western Command Commander Major General Thanug Aye inspected reinforcements in Buthidaung Township areas yesterday, according to sources.

The Commander inspected the army battalion in the area of Kin Taung ( Kinn Taung / Hann Daung), Phone Nyo Lake, Thin Ga Net (Ferulla), Bogyichang and Yanna village tract under Buthidaung Township, sources said.

The commander gave a speech to the troops and advised the officer-in-charge to maintain better security in the area.

On the other hand, in Akyab, the capital of Arakan State, the junta has moved more warships to the Akyab Naval Base. Warship numbers 556, 553, 554 were stationed in the base and have recently been joined by naval ships 456, 613, 57, 772, 619, 513, 359 and 308 from proper Burma, according to a naval personnel from Akyab.

The Burmese junta has been trying to build up a strong troop presence in the area of Arakan State after the hostilities with Bangladesh over gas exploration from deep sea areas of Bay of Bengal in the first week of November, 2008.

According to sources close to senior Bangladeshi officials, Burma's delegation, led by Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, had committed to halt exploration in the disputed areas in the Bay of Bengal until the issue was resolved through future talks. In spite of this commitment, just three weeks later on November 1, Burmese warships escorted Daewoo International vessels as the company proceeded to explore for natural gas in the disputed area.

"The sovereignty of the country is now under threat. Burma wants to snatch away our sea wealth. The caretaker government does not have the ability to protect this. Only a people's government can do it. So the ensuing election is very important for the nation, " said former Finance Minister M Saifur Rahman at his Baharmorden village in Moulvibazar Sader upazila on 23 November to his party men the Bangladesh National Party (BNP).