Raid on private clinic in Kyaukpru Town

Raid on private clinic in Kyaukpru Town
Policemen raided a private clinic in Than Pain Chaung Ward of Kyaykpru Town, Burma on November 15, and seized some birth control tablets and injections considered contraband, according to official sources...

Kyaukpru, Arakan State: Policemen raided a private clinic in Than Pain Chaung Ward of Kyaykpru Town, Burma on November 15, and seized some birth control tablets and injections considered contraband, according to official sources.  

The clinic is owned by Dr. Ma Hla Khin (38) and is a mother and child clinic near the gate of the Kyaukpru- Rambree highway.

Dr. Ma Hla Khin's husband U Maung Ni was arrested, on the allegation of human trafficking and selling birth control tablets. She and her husband are Rohingya Muslims.

U Maung Ni is a trader who deals in cattle, teak and rice in Bangladesh from Kyaukpru Township legally. It was alleged that he carried two or three persons from Kyaukpru to Bangladesh along the water way. It was also alleged that the said contraband goods were carried to Kyaukpyu from Bangladesh on the return journey, said a close relative of Dr. Ma Hla Khin. 

The clinic was closed by the authorities following the incident. After the arrest, he was brought to the police station and detained.  But, his wife Dr. Ma Hla Khin was not arrested.

The contraband medicines ---birth control tablets and injection are widely used in Burma by women, according to sources.