TPDC and Nasaka deceive victims of Cyclone Nargis

TPDC and Nasaka deceive victims of Cyclone Nargis
The Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) and Nasaka headquarters have together deceived the victims of Cyclone Nargis in Irrawaddy delta in lower Burma over contributors of Maungdaw Township in terms of cattle from villagers ...

Maungdaw, Burma:  The Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) and Nasaka headquarters have together deceived the victims of Cyclone Nargis in Irrawaddy delta in lower Burma over contributors of Maungdaw Township in terms of cattle from villagers, said a village elder on condition of anonymity.

After the cyclone, the authorities in Burma were collecting relief from the public across the country to distribute to victims. The authorities in Maungdaw Township also collected money, cattle and other things from the villagers. The villagers donated goods, money and cattle for the victims.

But, villagers suspected that the donation would not reach hundred percent of the victims.  Villagers learnt that some of the cattle were hidden in forests instead of being dispatched to Irrawaddy delta by some officials.

Last week, about 40 buffaloes were seen at Maung Nama village of Maungdaw Township which were collected from villagers for Nargis victims. Now, these cattle are under the control of Mv. Haroon of Darga Para and Zubair (25) the younger brother of late former-VPDC Chairman and son of Maulan Siddique, from Maung Nama village.  The buffaloes were transferred to Buthidaung Town after collection to avoid detection. The TPDC and Nasaka headquarters of Maungdaw Township worked on this deception in tandem, said a trader from the locality. 

Every VPDC Chairman collected cattle from every village for Nargis affected victims in Irrawaddy delta. In Maungdaw Township, Rayaka (VPDC) Chairmen collected about 300 cattle for Nargis victims, of them 40 heads of cattle were concealed in the forest. 

These are the cattle donated by villagers for the victims of Nargis, but the concerned SPDC authorities deceived the villagers and the Nargis victims for their vested interest.

Most of the people who lost their houses during the May 2, super Cyclone Nargis in southern Irrawaddy delta of Burma  are still going through  hard days amidst problems of finding dwelling  houses. Many of them are living in low huts as they cannot build new houses, according to sources.