ILO team conducts survey in Nayapara refugee camp

ILO team conducts survey in Nayapara refugee camp
Teknaf, Bangladesh: An International Labour Organization (ILO) team with the cooperation of UNHCR of Bangladesh is carrying out a survey in refugee camps regarding the skills and working conditions of refugees ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: An International Labour Organization (ILO) team with the cooperation of UNHCR of Bangladesh is carrying out a survey in refugee camps regarding the skills and working conditions of refugees since October 23, a school teacher from a camp said.

Hairul Islam is leading the five-member team and they are asking refugees about their work in the camp and their mode of survival, he added.

The team is also asking detailed for filling up a form while they are visiting one family after another.

"The survey team asked me about my life and they also visited my shed and asked how I survive with my family and what I do for my livelihood. They also asked whether I have a TV or a radio in my room and how many grams of gold or silver I own," a refugee told Kaladan News, on condition of anonymity.

A religious teacher from the camp told Kaladan News that the team asked how many skilled workers lived in the camp and what they did and where they went for work. "We have some skilled workers like tailors, carpenters, electricians and unskilled workers like daily labourers who work in Teknaf and land ports, as well as farmers and rickshaw pullers," he added.

"The team recorded how many animals (cows and goats) and chicken we have and what we are cultivating in our sheds, "Amina from Nayapara camp said.

The survey team will visit two refugee camps (Nayapara and Kutupalong camps) within three weeks.

"Maybe the survey team is collecting information about refugees in the camp for their labour rights and for their survival in the camp and also for the right of freedom in the camp," a community leader from the camp said.