Boat carrying timber missing in Bay of Bengal

Boat carrying timber missing in Bay of Bengal
Teknaf, Bangladesh: A boat loaded with timber, which sailed from Burma, has gone missing in the Bay of Bengal since October 12...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A boat loaded with timber, which sailed from Burma, has gone missing in the Bay of Bengal since October 12.

The boat carrying 24 tons of teak wood sailed from Manaung Township with 11 crew members on October 11 and headed for Bangladesh along the Bay of Bengal, according to trade sources in Arakan.

The boat is owned by U Hla Maung belonging to Sabaytaw in Rathedaung Township.

U Hla Maung has a partnership with a Bangladeshi Mohamed Salim hailing from Shafordip. He handles all the goods despatched from Burma by Hla.

A day after sailing from Manaung in Arakan State there was no information about the boat and the crew in either Bangladesh or Burma. The owner, Hla is trying to find out about the boat from the shores of Burma. His partner is also desperately trying to collect information on the whereabouts of the vessel and the crew, said a business man who arrived recently in Teknaf port with rice.

Both partners are worried stiff about the crew. They have no idea whether the boat has sunk or been robbed on the high seas. Salim, the partner has requested fishing boat owners and the coastguard to look for the timber laden boat, according sources in Teknaf.

Businessmen from Burma and Bangladesh trade goods which are in demand in the two countries.

Most Burmese businessmen send goods like timber, rice, fish and beans to Bangladesh. From Bangladesh, building material, fertilizer, medicine, and other household materials are sent to neighbouring Burma.

Businessman Hla also despatches timber like teak which is restricted from being exported to other countries. But Hla has a nexus with the authorities and manages to export teak to Bangladesh. He buys the timber for 300,000 Kyat per ton and sells it in Bangladesh for 60,000 Taka per ton. (1 Taka = 18 kyats)