Boy drowns in pond in Maungdaw

Boy drowns in pond in Maungdaw
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A small boy drowned in a pond on September 25 while playing with other boys in Maungdaw town, said a close relative of the victim...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: A small boy drowned in a pond on September 25 while playing with other boys in Maungdaw town, said a close relative of the victim.

The boy was identified as Rafique Alam (7) son of Kabir Ahmed, hailing from Zin Paing Nyar (Zanbonia) in Maungdaw Township.

Rafique drowned, while he was playing near a pond with other boys. The other boys did not realize that he had drowned preoccupied as they were playing.  He had gone with friends near the pond at around noon to play.

Another relative of the victim said that while playing he went near the pond without telling his friends.  He suddenly fell into the pond and drowned.

After half an hour his relatives rescued him and rushed him to the hospital where doctors declared him dead. After autopsy, the police handed over the body to his family members at around 5 pm.

His father filed a general diary at the police station saying that it was an accident and no one was responsible.

However, the police took Kyat 200,000 from his parents as fine for their negligence.  The boy was buried by relatives, according to a friend of his father.